
Gabrielle Jane

August 3, 2020 I began my spiritual journey.

I bought myself a journal. Some of my first words I wrote read, “I had a long upsetting evening last night realizing my life was changing before me and I am growing fearful”…I continued.. ” I witness that I’m out of alignment with my power and choose to see peace instead of this”.

How my Journey started...

Becoming a Registered Yoga Teacher and Holistic Wellness Coach had never been part of my plan.

 For most of my life I have been struggling to live in my truth. I have always changed to fit my surrounding norms, shrinking myself to make others comfortable. Living as a minority in predominantly white neighborhoods and schools for my whole life has shaped me to modify myself. Being a mixed girl, I couldn’t be too black, too white, too loud, too sensitive, etc. My feelings or actions where never valid. But I became comfortable conforming. Since I was also juggling with anxiety, depression, and learning disabilities, I did what I thought would make my life easier and just fit in, walked the walk and talked the talk. I did it for so long that I lost my way. 

It wasn’t until spring 2020 when COVID-19 hit, that I was forced to face my true self. Face my suppressed emotions, fears, and traumas that I had been running from my whole life. Being quarantined for months, my thoughts were taking a negative toll on my mental health. I knew I had to make a choice, take control of my life or continue to live in my comfort zone. 

I chose to rediscover myself. 

Instead of running, I chose to turn inward and face my struggles head on. But I needed to find a way to hold my-self accountable, so I created my Pursuit of Happiness; a social account where I would consistently check in to update on my journey, my progress, and my setbacks. 365 days of committing to do one thing every day to build my joy, realign with my truth, and/or stimulate my mind to expand for the better. Daily activities included meditations, roller skating, reading, exploring new recipes, yoga and so much more. Within this journey, I had extremely blissful highs and pain aching lows. Within it all, I was able to peel back the layers I have been given, unlearning habits and biases that do not serve my highest good. 

This past year I have been blessed with the opportunity to become a Certified Holistic Wellness Coach and a Registered Yoga Teacher (200). These opportunities have allowed me to dive deeper in my pursuit then I could have ever imagined. There is still so much to learn and unlearn but the strides I’ve taken to heal in the past year have unlocked abundant potential. I feel called to share this knowledge and experience with you, as we could all use more resources to heal physically, mentally, and emotionally. 

Lokah Samastah Sukino Bhavantu 

May all beings be happy & free 

लोका समस्ता सुखिनो भवन्तु

XO Gabbi Jane